Run calculator

Running calculators help you to calculate your speed/pace per kilometer. Use our running time calculators for your training or a targeted running time forecast.

Another useful tool is our pace table, which gives you a quick overview of how the different paces vary by distance.

Running calculator – faithful training companion

Running is a great way to stay fit and lead a healthy life. However, there are many factors that can affect running, such as the weather, terrain, incline and distance. The running calculator is a tool that can help you take some of these factors into account and optimize your running performance. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the running calculator and explain its benefits.

What is a running calculator?

A running calculator is a tool used by many runners to optimize their training routine. The running calculator allows the user to take into account variables such as speed, distance,.


By using the running calculator, users can track their progress and motivate themselves to achieve their goals.


The running calculator can be adapted to the user’s individual needs in order to achieve the best results. This means that the tool is able to adapt to the user’s different training conditions and thus ensure optimal performance.

How can the running calculator help with the training routine?

The running calculator can help with your training routine in various ways. Some of the most important benefits are

Improving performance

By using the running calculator, the user can improve their performance by optimizing their training routine and focusing on their goals.

Injury prevention

By taking into account factors such as incline and weather conditions, the running calculator can help the user to avoid injuries and make their training routine safer.

Increase motivation

By tracking progress and achieving goals, the running calculator can help users to increase their motivation and stay motivated in the long term.

Personalized recommendations

To take into account individual needs such as age, weight and fitness level, we recommend a running book or, even better, a running coach.